Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ahoy, we're sailing!


Disregarding the grit that formed in the corners of his eyes, the boy on the buoy saw what he thought was his demise.

Heaps of kelp were afloat around the wooden thing that should have been eaten away by wood boring organisms. Whatever island that was before him that he once called his was cloaked by the thickest haze of blue and gray. He thought of both displays as signs of his and his birthplace’s looming undoing.

He asked one of his companions aboard the buoy, a talking barnacle, what transpired before he got up.

The creature replied calmly, “Shrimp-crab told me that the rock that has been hooked on by this buoy’s anchor flipped over. ‘Sup, we’ve been enjoying the nori down here while you were snoozing.”

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