Saturday, November 17, 2012


Edit: 9/7/2016
I was having a tough time with MODPHIL and my other philosophy classes. I was so lost, scared and frustrated.

11/17/2012 12:35 PM
I'm gradually coming to terms with the fact that I haven't made anything out of my life yet. In other words, my life is good for nothing. I have done nothing good with myself. Even the way I use words is bad. All is bad. I am nothing exemplary. Nothing that meets my expectations. Nothing that meets other's expectations. Nothing useful. Nothing done in good conduct. Nothing impressive. Nothing controlled. Nothing forged. All destroyed. All borrowed. All stolen. All burned. All equalized. Flattened. Demolished. Deconstructed. Torn. Crumpled. Forced. "Trying". Trash. Like a toy car a child takes apart but can't put back together. All I have are nothings and somethings undertaken with no regard for following through with them. Terrible plans. Terrible views. All I've done in my life so far is to ask for answers from others. How does one do this or do that? I've not formed anything worth out of my own will and mind. I am blind. I am stupid. I am lost. I lost. Nothing fits.

It was a sudden realization. Or, perhaps, a realization that came about just like how a dam breaks not due to some major cause, but due to all the small cracks that formed through the years meeting each other for the first and the last time.

and if none of this reads the way you want to then fuck you too

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