Sunday, November 04, 2012

That took a while

11/4/2012, 9:34 PM
Messaging Sak about my urge to write

I suddenly have the urge to write! It's been years!


I just had to be reminded of the reasons why I wrote at all.

"Which are?"

I suddenly got reminded of those days when I was learning Japanese! And right then, I just had to write 'to remember' "all this", I think. And to expand my world, I think. And to make my world a lot more interesting than I thought it was, I think. Or maybe my world was already too interesting to not write about it? Thus, I couldn't allow my world to simply exist as it was. In any case, it wasn't only that I had to write about my world, but I also had to write my world.

"Interesting. That makes sense. Memory does affect writing a lot."

I'd wanted to be able to look back at "all this" somehow, or to make it immortal. Any qualms I'd have later on as a reader of my own work was inconsequential. I just had to.

And now, again, I just have to.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're getting there.